Bee Nectary Mix Seed Packet
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Bee Nectary Mix Seed Packet is backordered and will ship as soon as it is back in stock. If your order includes other items, those items will ship first.
Where would we be(e) without bees?
While many people automatically think of the domesticated hive-minded honey bees as pollinators, there are many native solitary bees that help our gardens, farms, and natural ecosystems thrive. This mix of annuals and perennials supports a diverse community of bees including black sweat bees, Eastern bumblebees, long horned bees, pure gold-green sweat bees, and mining bees. Bee a friend to all the bees by planting this beeautiful flower mix.
Contains a rotating mix of annual and perennial species, such as Echinacea, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, Lacy Phacelia, Globe Gilia, Siberian Wallflower, China Aster, Sweet Alyssum, California Poppy, Plains Coreopsis, Bergamot, New England Aster, Purple Giant Hyssop, Chinese Forget-me-not, Smooth Penstemon, Fleabane Daisy, and Corn Poppy.
500 seeds sow a 3'x10' garden plot.