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Manet's Le Fifre Bookmark


Artists often influence other artists. This was the case with Edouard Manet when he saw first saw Velazquez' work on a visit to the Prado in 1866. With his flat background and vivid brushwork, Velazquez was a revelation.

Back in Paris, Manet began work on a new painting: of an anonymous regimental fifer in the Spanish army. The painting was rejected by the jury of the Salon of 1866. But a year later, Manet funded an exhibition of his own work; and art history changed forever.

Measures 1.5"W x 3.50"D
Made of solid brass with electro-plated gold finish

Édouard Manet (France, 1832-1883), Le Fifre, 1866. Oil on canvas. Musées d'Orsay et de l'Orangerie, Paris.